Glaucoma Surgery and Treatments at The Harley Street Eye Centre London

At the Harley Street Eye Centre in London, a renowned facility specialising in eye care, a comprehensive range of glaucoma surgery and treatments is available. Led by a team of expert eye surgeons and consultants, the center offers advanced techniques and personalised care to address various forms of glaucoma.


Does any of this sound like YOU?

  • Your Elevated Intraocular Pressure (IOP) is consistently elevated?

  • You experience adverse side effects to glaucoma medications?

  • You are starting to experience vision loss?

  • Your eye scans show evidence of worsening optic nerve damage?

  • You have been using glaucoma medications but they are not slowing down the progression of the disease?

Mr Marwan Ghabra

Clinical Director

It is important to note that these signs are not definitive indicators of the need for glaucoma eye surgery. After a thorough eye examination and the appropriate diagnostic tests, a qualified eye care professional at The Harley Street Eye Centre can determine a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, if required.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye condition that can affect your vision. It happens when there is too much pressure inside your eye, which can damage the optic nerve. The optic nerve is like a cable that sends messages from your eye to your brain, allowing you to see.

The most common type of glaucoma is called "open-angle glaucoma," which develops slowly over time. It usually doesn't cause any pain or noticeable symptoms in the early stages. That's why regular eye exams are important, especially as you get older, because they can detect glaucoma before it causes significant vision problems.

If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to vision loss and even blindness. The good news is that with early diagnosis and proper treatment, vision loss from glaucoma can often be prevented or slowed down. Treatments may include eye drops, medications, laser procedures, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.

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Glaucoma Eye Surgery & Glaucoma Eye Treatments

Glaucoma eye treatments and surgery aim to lower the pressure inside the eye to protect the optic nerve and prevent further vision loss.

Here are some simple explanations of common glaucoma treatments:

  1. Eye drops: These are special medications that you put in your eyes to reduce eye pressure. They usually need to be used every day as prescribed by your doctor.

  2. Medications: Sometimes, glaucoma may require oral medications in addition to or instead of eye drops. These medications help lower eye pressure and can come in the form of pills or capsules.

  3. Laser procedures: There are different types of laser treatments for glaucoma. One common procedure is called "laser trabeculoplasty," where a laser is used to improve the drainage of fluid from the eye, reducing eye pressure. Another procedure, called "iridotomy," creates a small hole in the iris to improve fluid flow.

  4. Surgery: In certain cases, when medications and laser treatments are not sufficient, glaucoma surgery may be necessary. There are different surgical procedures available, such as trabeculectomy, where a new drainage channel is created to allow the fluid to leave the eye more easily.

The specific treatment or surgery recommended for you will depend on the type and severity of your glaucoma. Your eye doctor will explain the options to you and help you decide which treatment is best for your condition.

Remember, early detection and regular monitoring of your eye health are crucial in managing glaucoma effectively. It's important to work closely with your eye doctor, follow their recommendations, and attend regular check-ups to protect your vision and prevent further damage to your eyes.

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Open Angle & Closed Angle Glaucoma

Glaucoma is divided into two main types: open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma.

Let's explore these types and how they can affect your eyes:

  • Open-angle glaucoma: This is the most common type of glaucoma. In open-angle glaucoma, the drainage system of the eye becomes less efficient over time, causing a gradual increase in eye pressure. Unfortunately, this type of glaucoma typically does not cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages. As a result, it can progress silently, leading to vision loss if left untreated.

  • Closed-angle glaucoma: Closed-angle glaucoma occurs when the iris (coloured part of the eye) is positioned too close to the drainage angle of the eye, blocking fluid outflow and causing a sudden increase in eye pressure. This condition often presents with noticeable symptoms such as severe eye pain, redness, blurry vision, and sometimes even headaches and vomiting. Closed-angle glaucoma requires immediate medical attention to relieve the pressure and prevent further damage to the eye.

At The Harley Street Eye Centre, our experienced glaucoma experts use advanced equipment to assess and monitor your eye health.

Here's how we evaluate glaucoma:

  1. Measurement of intraocular pressure: High intraocular pressure is a key indicator of glaucoma. We utilise state-of-the-art equipment to accurately measure the pressure inside your eyes.

  2. Diagnostics to assess structural changes: Glaucoma can cause damage to the optic nerve and changes in the structure of the retina. We employ advanced diagnostic techniques, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), to visualise and evaluate these structural changes.

  3. Retina function assessment: We carry out a visual field test to gauge the extent of glaucoma-related visual field loss. This test measures your ability to see objects at different points in your field of vision.

At our glaucoma clinic, glaucoma imaging plays a crucial role. These imaging techniques provide detailed information about the structure of your eyes, aiding in the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of glaucoma.

By using cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive approach, our glaucoma experts at The Harley Street Eye Centre can accurately diagnose glaucoma, assess its progression, and provide appropriate treatments to protect your vision. Regular visits to our clinic allow us to closely monitor your condition and provide personalised care to address your specific needs.

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Treating Glaucoma At First

In the early stages of glaucoma, the primary treatment method is usually the use of prescribed eye drops. These eye drops are designed to lower the pressure inside the eye and slow down the progression of the disease. However, in addition to eye drops, our clinic also offers other advanced treatment options for glaucoma.

At our clinic and surgical sites, we provide specialised interventional treatments that go beyond eye drops. These treatments are tailored to the specific needs of each patient and aim to effectively manage glaucoma. These interventions may include laser procedures or surgical techniques, which can help further control intraocular pressure and preserve your vision.

Our experienced consultants will assess your condition, discuss the available treatment options, and recommend the most suitable approach for you. We are committed to providing comprehensive care for glaucoma patients and ensuring that you receive the most appropriate treatment to effectively manage your condition.

Glaucoma Laser Eye Treatments

Depending on the type of glaucoma you have, such as open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma, your consultant will discuss with you the most suitable type of laser treatment for your condition. There are two main types of lasers used for glaucoma treatment: SLT (selective laser trabeculoplasty) and YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers.

SLT treatment and YAG lasers are used for different types of glaucoma, and your glaucoma doctor will explain the differences to you in detail. The purpose of laser treatment is to reduce your dependence on eye drops for controlling eye pressure and to help prevent long-term damage that can occur due to high eye pressure.

At The Harley Street Eye Centre, we strive to provide glaucoma laser treatment on the same day as your consultation. This means you can have immediate peace of mind, knowing that you are taking proactive steps to maintain healthy eye pressure and preserve your vision. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you receive prompt and effective care for your glaucoma condition.


Trabeculectomy is designed to help lower the pressure in the eye by introducing a new route for fluid to flow out and collect in an out of view bleb and the patients experience minimal discomfort.

Let's explain it in simpler terms:

  • Fluid flow and pressure: Glaucoma occurs when there is an imbalance between the production and drainage of fluid inside the eye. This leads to an increase in eye pressure, which can damage the optic nerve and cause vision problems.

  • Purpose of Trabeculectomy: Trabeculectomy, also known as eye drainage surgery, is a common procedure performed to lower eye pressure. It creates a new pathway for the fluid to flow out of the eye, allowing it to collect in a hidden area called a "bleb."

  • Discomfort and success: Trabeculectomy is designed to minimize discomfort for the patient. The procedure aims to slow down the progression of glaucoma and prevent further vision loss. The success rate of trabeculectomy is quite high, with around 96% of cases achieving positive outcomes.

  • Vision improvement: It's important to note that while trabeculectomy can help preserve the remaining vision, it cannot restore vision to its original state. The main goal is to prevent further deterioration of eyesight.

  • Combined surgeries: In some cases, cataract surgery (a procedure to remove a cloudy lens) and trabeculectomy can be performed together. Additionally, selective laser trabeculoplasty (a laser treatment) may also be combined with trabeculectomy to further manage glaucoma.

  • Laser Iridotomy: The Harley Street Eye Centre also offers laser iridotomy surgery. This procedure creates a small hole in the iris (colored part of the eye) to improve fluid flow and relieve eye pressure.

By offering these surgical options, The Harley Street Eye Centre aims to provide effective treatments for glaucoma and improve patients' eye health. The specific procedure recommended will depend on individual circumstances and the expertise of the eye doctors at the center.

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Stent And Tube Surgery

Similar to trabeculectomy surgery stent and tube surgery aims to reduce eye pressure by working to provide a new outflow for fluid. Done under general anaesthesia a valved or non-valved tube will be inserted into the anterior chamber of the eye.

These types of procedures are slowly being favoured over trabeculectomy surgery and demonstrate the same success rate but provide for more long term control of eye pressure.

Here's a simple explanation:

  • Purpose of Stent and Tube Surgery: Just like trabeculectomy surgery, stent and tube surgery aim to reduce eye pressure by creating a new pathway for fluid to flow out of the eye. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient is asleep and does not feel any pain during the surgery.

  • Inserting a tube: During stent and tube surgery, a small tube is placed into the front part of the eye, called the anterior chamber. The tube can be either valved or non-valved, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

  • Outflow for fluid: The tube serves as an alternative drainage route for the fluid inside the eye. By providing a new pathway for the fluid to exit, it helps to lower the eye pressure.

  • Advantages over trabeculectomy: Stent and tube surgery is gradually becoming a preferred option over trabeculectomy surgery. Although both procedures have similar success rates, stent and tube surgery offers some advantages. It provides more long-term control of eye pressure and can be a suitable option for patients who may not be suitable candidates for trabeculectomy.

By choosing stent and tube surgery, the aim is to effectively manage glaucoma and maintain optimal eye pressure levels over the long term. The specific approach and type of tube used will depend on the patient's individual condition and the recommendation of the eye surgeon.

It's important to consult with an experienced glaucoma specialist who can evaluate your specific needs and determine the most appropriate surgical option for your glaucoma management.

Just 8 Reasons To Choose The Harley Street Eye Centre

  • Expertise and Experience: - The Harley Street Eye Centre boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced eye specialists who are renowned in their respective fields. They have the knowledge and expertise to provide top-quality eye care and treatment.

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: - The clinic is equipped with advanced and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that patients receive the most accurate diagnoses and effective treatments available in the field of ophthalmology.

  • Comprehensive Eye Care - The Harley Street Eye Centre offers a wide range of eye care services, including routine eye exams, refractive surgery (such as LASIK), cataract surgery, corneal transplants, glaucoma treatment, and more. Patients can receive comprehensive eye care under one roof.

  • Personalised Treatment Plans - Each patient is unique, and at The Harley Street Eye Centre, the treatment plans are tailored to meet individual needs. The doctors take the time to understand the specific concerns of each patient and develop personalised treatment strategies accordingly.

  • Strong Reputation - The Harley Street Eye Centre has built a strong reputation over the years due to its commitment to excellence. The clinic has a track record of successful treatments and satisfied patients, which is reflected in positive reviews and testimonials.

  • Commitment to Excellence - The Harley Street Eye Centre has built a strong reputation over the years due to its commitment to excellence. The clinic has a track record of successful treatments and satisfied patients, which is reflected in positive reviews and testimonials.

  • Collaborative Approach - The Harley Street Eye Centre is dedicated to providing the highest standard of eye care and treatment. They prioritise patient safety, satisfaction, and long-term visual health, making them a trusted choice for individuals seeking the best eye clinic for their needs.

  • Continuing Education and Research - The team at The Harley Street Eye Centre remains at the forefront of advancements in ophthalmology through continuous education and involvement in research. This commitment to staying updated with the latest developments ensures that patients receive the best available treatments.

Commonly Asked Questions About Glaucoma Eye Treatments & Surgery

What are the different types of glaucoma treatments available?

Glaucoma treatments can include the use of eye drops, oral medications, laser procedures (such as trabeculoplasty), and surgery (such as trabeculectomy or stent and tube surgery). The specific treatment will depend on the type and severity of glaucoma.

Will I need to use eye drops for the rest of my life?

In many cases, eye drops are prescribed as a long-term treatment to lower eye pressure and manage glaucoma. However, your eye doctor will monitor your condition and may adjust your treatment plan based on your response and the progression of the disease.

How effective are glaucoma treatments at preserving vision?

Glaucoma treatments aim to slow down the progression of the disease and prevent further vision loss. The effectiveness of treatment varies depending on factors such as the type of glaucoma, the stage at which it is diagnosed, and the individual response to treatment. Regular monitoring and compliance with treatment are essential for optimal outcomes.

Is glaucoma surgery risky?

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with glaucoma surgery. However, these risks are generally low, and the benefits of surgery in managing glaucoma and preserving vision often outweigh the potential risks. Your eye surgeon will discuss the risks and benefits with you before recommending surgery.

Can glaucoma surgery restore my vision?

Glaucoma surgery is primarily aimed at lowering eye pressure and preventing further vision loss. While it may help preserve existing vision, it cannot typically restore vision that has already been lost due to glaucoma. Early detection and treatment are key to maintaining good vision.

Will I still need to use medications after glaucoma surgery?

In some cases, glaucoma surgery may reduce the need for medications, but it does not always eliminate the need entirely. Your eye doctor will determine the appropriate medication regimen based on your individual condition and response to surgery.

These are general questions, and it's important to consult with your eye doctor to address your specific concerns and receive personalized information about glaucoma treatments and surgery.

Please note that these FAQs are for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified eye care professional to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations for your specific condition.

About Harley Street Eye Centre

Located in the heart of Harley Street in London, The Harley Street Eye Centre continues the decades-old association of eye care with 22a Harley Street. This brand new state of the art clinic offers full and comprehensive ophthalmic treatment and imaging. Medical Lead Mr. Marwan Ghabra and his team of leading ophthalmic surgeons and dedicated professionals are committed to providing world-class eye care.

The Harley Street Eye Centre provides the right eye treatment at the right time. Your eyes are precious, and you should take great care of them.

Centre for Complicated Cases

The Harley Street Eye Centre, in addition to providing high-quality eye care locally

in the UK, is quickly becoming well known internationally as a go-to centre for complicated cases needing out of the box thinking with a strong base in currently accepted ophthalmic practice.

When it comes to a routine eye test, a problem with squinting, double vision, loss of vision, a sore eye or unbearable eye pain or complex serious trauma to the eye, our team of experts are best suited to advise, examine and treat your eyes to bring you, improved eye health and peace of mind.

Located in The Heart of Harley Street London, UK

Here at The Harley Street Eye Centre, we have the knowledge and expertise to treat your eyes.

Questions you might be asking asking: where is there an eye specialist near me? Which eye clinic offers the best vision care in London? We're right here.

Located in the heart of Harley Street, near Marylebone in London we have undoubtedly the best solutions backed up by our team of medical experts. A consultation with one of our eye doctors will be your first step towards achieving the best possible outcome for your eyes.

We are not just a clinic, but a technologically advanced eye care facility filled with experts who collectively have decades of experience. A leading Eye Care provider in Harley Street, London, our experienced team of ophthalmologists, opticians and experts will find the best possible solutions all in one place.

The Harley Street Eye Centre continues the decades-old association of eye care with 22a Harley Street. Our brand new state of the art clinic offers full and comprehensive ophthalmic treatment and imaging using the latest technology.

Medical Lead Mr. Marwan Ghabra and his team of leading ophthalmic surgeons and dedicated professionals are committed to providing world-class eye care.

What We Treat

The Harley Street Eye Centre offers a comprehensive range of eye care services, catering to various eye health needs. From routine eye exams to advanced procedures such as refractive surgery (e.g., LASIK), cataract surgery, corneal transplants, and glaucoma treatment.

  • Corneal Treatment and Surgery

  • Keratoconus

  • Cataract Surgery

  • Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

  • Pediatric Eye Treatments and Surgery

  • TransPRK Laser Eye Surgery

  • Cosmetic Eye Surgery

  • Dry Eye Treatments

  • Retinal Surgery and Treatments

  • Glaucoma Eye Surgery and Treatments

From Consultation to Treatment

What To Expect At Your First Visit With Us

We're excited to see you at your appointment! We want to make sure you feel comfortable and well-informed, so don't hesitate to ask us any questions about our treatments, our office, or even our payment options. Our goal is to help you get back to living your life free of visual impairment, so let's work together to make that happen!

  • Discuss your eye health goals

  • Full eye examination

  • Vision check and treatment eligibility

  • Diagnostic scans if required

  • Start a custom treatment plan

"Highly recommend The Harley Street Eye Centre. The team are professional, experienced and educated."

- Subé W

The reviews showcased are authentic feedback from patients who have received treatment at The Harley Street Eye Centre. While individual outcomes may differ, these reviews do not claim to reflect the results of all patients.

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22a Harley Street, London W1G 9BP

Mon - Fri: 10am - 7pm

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Bond Street and Oxford Circus Tube Station

22a Harley St, London W1G 9BP, UK